During the summer period, when external temperatures rise and the temperatures perceived by humans inside a work area become critical, it is essential to adopt the best solution that combines ideal environmental conditions with significant energy savings.

When temperatures rise, if there is no system in place to regulate them and keep them at acceptable levels, there can be worrying consequences: poor concentration of operators; an exponential increase in the risk of accidents; more frequent production errors, as well as possible problems with raw materials which, by their nature, cannot stay warm.

An air conditioning system, especially in large areas, but also in smaller factories, can have high installation and running costs and a considerable absorption of electricity.

The ideal solution, the cheaper but equally effective alternative is DESTRAFAN.

The air movement created by DESTRAFAN counteracts the destratification of hot air by rationally uniforming it for an equal distribution of heat to all heights of the building and the area where workers or staff are located.

This enables the contractor to make significant energy savings on his heating system of between 30% and 50% per year.
In winter, it allows an even distribution of heat in the home, becoming a real air destratifier.

For further information: – Industrial Division